In London, circa 1897, a young mouse named Olivia Flaversham is commemorating her birthday celebration suffering from her toymaker father, Hiram. Suddenly, Fidget, a bat suffering from a fix leg, barges in, and also after a short battle, disappears with Hiram. Fidget takes Hiram to Professor Ratigan who commands him to produce a clockwork robot which resembles the Queen of the Mice so Ratigan can rule England. Hiram initially refuses to participate in the plan, however concurs when Ratigan threatens Olivia.
Returning to London after a trip of responsibility in Afghanistan, Dr. David Q. Dawson comes across Olivia, who is searching for the prominent Basil of Baker Street. Dawson escorts Olivia to Basil's house and both satisfy the investigative. In the beginning, Basil hesitates, but when Olivia defines Fidget, Basil currently recognizes his chance to record Ratigan. Basil and also Dawson take Toby, Sherlock Holmes's family pet beagle, to track Fidget's scent, where they situate him in a toyshop swiping clockwork systems as well as plaything soldiers' attires. Fidget later traps Olivia by ambushing her from inside a toy cradle. Basil as well as Dawson go after Fidget, but end up being knotted in order to fall back. While searching the shop, Dawson finds Fidget's checklist, to which Basil does some chemical examinations to find the checklist originated from a riverfront near the Thames. Basil in order to Dawson disguise themselves as seafarers and also enter into a pub called the "Rat Trap" in order to comply with Fidget to Ratigan's head office. They are captured, and Ratigan's hooligans tie them to a spring-loaded mousetrap connected with a Rube Goldberg device set out to eliminate them both. Ratigan lays out for Buckingham Royal residence, where Fidget and also his partners kidnap the queen. Basil, in addition to Dawson, reasons the catch's weakness and also escape in the nick of time, soon after Dawson helps Basil out of a state of self-pity that he allowed himself right into, thanks to Ratigan.
At Buckingham Royal residence, Ratigan pressures Hiram to operate the toy Queen, while the genuine Queen is required fed to Felicia, Ratigan's family pet feline. The plaything Queen proclaims Ratigan the ruler of all Mousedom, as well as he reveals his totalitarian plans for his brand-new "subjects". Simply then, Basil, Dawson and Olivia save Hiram as well as the actual Queen, and capture Fidget (together with Ratigan's other henchmen). Basil takes control of the mechanical queen, making it knock Ratigan as a fraud in order to dictator as it breaks apart. The group, enraged by Ratigan's treason, begin getting on him and also defeating his guards. Ratigan releases himself and also gets away on his dirigible with Fidget, holding Olivia hostage. Basil, Dawson, as well as Hiram create their very own craft suffering from a matchbox and also some little helium-filled balloons, held together by the Union Jack. Ratigan throws Fidget too far to lighten the craft, and afterwards tries to drive the dirigible himself. Basil jumps on to the dirigible to face Ratigan, causing him to collapse straight into the Huge Ben clocktower.
Inside the clocktower, Basil procures Ratigan's cape stuck on some gears and also saves Olivia in order to safely provides her to Hiram. Ratigan, nevertheless breaks totally free and strikes Basil, ultimately knocking him to the dirigible, up until the clock bell strikes 10:00 as well as the audio of the bell sends out Ratigan falling to his death, taking Basil suffering from him. However, Basil manages to get the wreckage of Ratigan's dirigible and conserve himself from dropping just in time. Back at Baker Road, Basil in order to Dawson state their adventures, in addition to the queen's thankfulness for conserving her life. Later on, the Flavershams entrust to catch their train. As Dawson aims to leave, a distraught first time client solicits Basil's help, experiencing Basil noting that Dawson is his relied on associate, motivating Dawson to stay and aid Basil.
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